Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Georgetown Equine Expo

Here is a quick reminder about the Georgetown Equine Expo. Robert's time has changed. No Clinic on Thursday. There has been a time change for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. He will be working the colt starting at 12:00 NOON Instead of the later time)! Come out and see what he can to with this colt in only a few short months.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

RMH Demo at the World Equestrian Games

Exciting news! We have our performance schedule for the World Equestrian Games! A general admission ticket will get you in to see the demo at the Dressage Complex.

Saturday, 9/25/2010 12:00 Noon
Sunday, 9/26/2010 6:30 P.M.
Monday, 9/26/2010 11:30 A.M.
Tuesday, 9/27/2010 11:30 A.M.

You won't want to miss this exciting sporting event that is being held for the first time outside Europe. It's gonna be awesome!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

SRF's Silver Sundown Wins 2010 RMH Rea Swan Versatility Award

Congratulations to SRF’s Silver Sundown on his outstanding performances at the RMH International this year. He won his conformation, stallions trail, and western classes. He went on to place second in trail obstacle and pole bending. In the classes that counted toward the award, Silver had 48 out of a possible 50 points. His owner, Steve Heuslein also placed reserve in his amateur class and Charlie placed third in the water glass class and in the Western Grand Championship. Way to go Silver and Charlie! It is Charlie’s second time to win the Rea Swan Versatility Award and Stoner Ridge Farm’s fifth time to achieve this honor.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

2010 RMH Kentucky State Championship

July 9th and 10th found the Stoner Ridge Farm crew in Bowling Green at the RMH Kentucky State Championship (Friday) and the Tavares Championship (Saturday). Unfortunately, Erin had been really sick so she and Charlie weren't able to go with us. With temperatures in the upper 90's, the air conditioned arena provided relief from the oppressive heat. Thursday, a local ice cream maker was on hand to give everyone a sweet treat as we were getting settled in for the show. Robert also gave a dressage demo with Pepper's Just Plain Pretty. Everyone was very receptive. The show began early on Friday. The horses all did really well in their classes. Congratulations to MX Wrangler for his Show Pleasure Championship win and to Penny (conformation) and Blueberry for their reserve championship placings! The Cumberland Rockies included a class called the H.T. Derickson Championship in order to honor H.T. and his life time achievement. Robert had been thinking about it all week. He was riding Blueberry since Charlie wasn't able to come. Robert really didn't want to have to show Blueberry in back to back championship but decided that he would. He thought with her maturity and conditioning, she could make a good showing in both classes. Fortunately, he made a good choice and came out the winner of that big class. H.T. and Wilda had already walked the line-up and shook everyone's hand thanking them for their participation. Lots of pictures were taken and accolades given. We enjoyed being with Tim and Marcia, Jim and Kathy, and Scott and Barrie who were all at the show. We missed Steve and Nancy who were not able to come this weekend. Read more about the show in the Aug. 1st newsletter. See Stoner Ridge Farm winnings below. Congratulations on an outstanding job!

Silver’s Blue Plate Special
RMH Kentucky State Championship - 5 & Over Conformation - 2nd
RMH Kentucky State Championship - Conformation Championship - 2nd
RMH Kentucky State Championship - Western Pleasure - 2nd
RMH Kentucky State Championship - Trail Pleasure Mares - 3rd
RMH Kentucky State Championship - Working Trail Pleasure with Obstacles - 1st
RMH Tavares Championship - 5 & Older Conformation 2nd
RMH Tavares Championship - Conformation Championship - 2nd
RMH Tavares Championship - Western Pleasure - 4th
RMH Tavares Championship - Working Trail Pleasure with Obstacles - 1st
RMH Tavares Championship - Gaited Dressage - 1st

Blueberry Wine
RMH Kentucky State Championship - 4-5 Year Old Show Pleasure - 2nd
RMH Kentucky State Championship - Show Pleasure Championship - 2nd
RMH Kentucky State Championship - H.T. Derickson Open Championship - 1st
RMH Tavares Championship - 4-5 Year Old Show Pleasure - 2nd

Cypress Addagirl
RMH Kentucky State Championship - 3 Year Old Trail Pleasure - 3rd
RMH Kentucky State Championship - Trail Pleasure Championship - 3rd
RMH Tavares Championship - 3 Year Old Trail Pleasure - 2nd

MX Wrangler
RMH Kentucky State Championship - Show Pleasure Stallions - 1st
RMH Kentucky State Championship - Show Pleasure Championship - 1st
RMH Kentucky State Championship - H.T. Derickson Championship - 3rd
RMH Kentucky State Championship - Gaited Dressage - 1st
RMH Tavares Championship - Show Pleasure Stallions - 2nd

My Sweet Sydney
RMH Kentucky State Championship - Trail Pleasure Mares - 5th
RMH Kentucky State Championship - 4-5 Year Old Trail - 5th
RMH Kentucky State Championship - Working Trail Pleasure with Obstacles - 4th
RMH Tavares Championship - Working Trail Pleasure with Obstacles - 2nd

Pepper’s Just Plain Pretty
RMH Kentucky State Championship - Novice Trail Pleasure - 3rd - Marcia
RMH Kentucky State Championship - Gaited Dressage - 2nd - Robert
RMH Tavares Championship - Novice Trail Pleasure - 2nd - Marcia
RMH Tavares Championship - Gaited Dressage - 2nd - Robert

Pepper’s Capital Venture
RMH Kentucky State Championship - Show Pleasure Geldings - 4th
RMH Tavares Championship - Show Pleasure Geldings - 1st

Sunday, May 23, 2010

RMH Youth Round Up

We all had a great time at the RMH Youth Clinic held here on Saturday. We had 6 horses which was a great number with which to work. The kids and adults came ready to learn and everyone did a great job. Robert began explaining how conformation relates to the gait of a horse. He explained how the build of a horse helps determine his way of going. 2009 RMH Yearling Champion Branson Blue and 2009 RMH International Reserve Conformation Grand Champion RRF Gold Nugget were our demo horses and they did great. The horses were brought into the arena at that time and Robert worked with participants on safety, teaching horses to bend and flex, and general horsemanship techniques. We broke for lunch and enjoyed chatting over pizza. After lunch, Erin did a demo on how to teach a horse to canter in preparation for Training Level dressage. Pepper's Just Plain Pretty is a super horse to demonstrate the canter. It is an easy going, ground covering gait that all horses perform naturally in the field. From there everyone enjoyed working on trail obstacle foundations. The kids especially enjoyed running the poles and barrels. At show in Wilmington in two weeks they will have an opportunity to compete in these classes. I believe they are looking forward to it now that they have had a little experience. Finally, we wrapped up the day with gaited dressage. This is a fairly new venue for our gaited horses. Tests have been adaped from trotting horses to Walking horses on to our Rockies. Dressage is a beautiful way to connect with your horse and build harmony. Erin worked with the kids on fundamentals. We had prepared a packet of information about this new discipline. It was really surprising to see how many folks were interested. We'd love to invite an actual dressage judge to come and put on a clinic here if we have enough interest. Anyway, everyone left with something new to do with their horse. We really appreciate all the hard work that Angie Jaggers put into the event. It was a great day.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

RMH Demo at Equine Affaire

This coming weekend the RMHA will have breed demos at the Equine Affaire in Columbus, OH. Look for Lisa Sidwell who is on staff at SRF. Great luck to everyone!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Abigail Ruth Sharp

Here is Papaw Lawson holding baby Abigail who was born March 14th at 10:17 P.M. She weighed 7 lbs. 13 oz. and was 20.5 inches long. Proud parents are Bobby and Eyvonne Sharp. There are two very happy siblings as well - James and Rachel. Everyone is doing just great! We are so excited about having another granddaughter to love!